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Year 6 Transition Information

Dear Year 6,


We are so excited that you are coming to join us at Kelvin Hall School in September 2025. September is the start of a five-year journey with us here at Kelvin Hall; a school where you will receive the very best education and will be able to take advantage of all the great opportunities we have to offer. We cannot wait to meet you and to see you flourish over those five years.


As well as this being an exciting time, we know that you might be feeling a little nervous about the move to secondary school and will probably have lots of questions. You can get all the answers from our helpful Year 7 Pastoral Team - Miss Lowthorpe (Year 7 Pastoral Year Leader), Miss Pedder (Assistant Year Leader), and Miss Stanford (Year 7 Student Support Officer). Do not hesitate to email your question to


Year 7 is an exciting time: a chance to make new friends, a time to learn lots of new things and a time to enjoy a very different learning experience.


We are very much looking forward to having you in school during the week beginning the 7th July 2025. This will help you become familiar with the school procedures, meet other students, meet key staff, and get used to the school building. 


We are looking forward to getting to know you over the coming term as we prepare for a fantastic year ahead.


Warm wishes,


Mrs Piercy

Deputy Headteacher


What you will study


The curriculum at Kelvin Hall is designed to give every student a varied and interesting school life and provide them with a great set of qualifications.Our students leave us as well-rounded individuals that embody our values of hard work, respect and independence, and take those values with them to their college, sixth form or training provider. We work hard to ensure that every child, whatever their ability, achieves their full potential through a broad and balanced curriculum.


Key Stage 3


At Key Stage 3 (Years 7-8), you will study the core academic subjects and you will explore your more practical and creative side by studying technology subjects, creative arts, performing arts, and physical education.


The curriculum includes:






Religious Studies 

French and Spanish


SET (Science, Engineering and Technology)

Food Technology

Information Technology




If you have any questions about starting or continuing instrumental / vocal lessons at Kelvin Hall, please email the Head of Music, Mrs James at

Top Tips

Here are some top tips for transition to Kelvin Hall 


Secondary transition for parents: 6 ways you can help your child


  • Support them in becoming more independent. Don’t do everything for them! Let your child pack their own bag each night, plan which books they need to take each day, and learn which days they will need to take their food ingredients or PE kit.

  • Show that you have confidence in them. Not every child will be worry free, so find the right time to talk anything through with them and agree that you will step in only if they need support.

  • Practise the travelling-to-school drills. Many children will have to walk to school or negotiate buses on their own for the first time. Talking through some of the scenarios they may face, reminding them of how to keep safe and taking them on some dummy runs over the summer holidays is strongly advised.

  • Make time to support learning at home. Homework in Year 7 is a big step up so be on hand with some calm support. Be prepared to lend a hand on the infamous ‘build a model of…’ type tasks. Timely and gentle support from parents undoubtedly helps kids learn and flourish.

  • Be patient and prepared for a few tears. Your pre-teen may be a bit tired and emotional at times, so they will need you to be at your most understanding and unruffled. They will also need you to provide a fully-stocked fridge!

  • Create a homework station. Make sure your child can easily access a computer (and ideally a printer), digital camera and craft materials. Organise a space at home specifically for your child to focus on study and store their not-inconsiderable number of books.



Secondary transition for parents: 6 ways parents can help themselves


  • Take a deep breath and let go! More often than not your child will stroll into their new school without a backward glance and as if they own the place!

  • Build your new social network. Go to all the new-parent events to chat with your child’s focus group tutor, meet members of the pastoral and leadership team, and swap notes with other parents. Their phone numbers and email addresses may come in handy when faced with homework confusion or lost property over the coming months. See if children going to the same school can meet during the holidays, to make friends and line up some everyday travel companions.

  • Play your part in life at your new school. Being visible in school shows your child that you see education as important. Attending school concerts and sports fixtures helps with deepening your understanding of school life and making things better for your child and their peers.

  • Build a bond with your child’s new school. Keep in touch online and take part in school consultations. Show your support at parent-teacher consultations – they probably won’t tell you, but your kids really appreciate this.

  • Get organised. Parents can reduce the chance of a meltdown (theirs or their child’s) by putting time aside to rigorously fill out every form, arrange every payment, register for school communications, and sort out school uniform and other kit well in advance. 

  • Keep well stocked. Label EVERYTHING and stock up on (the easily lost) pens, pencils, rulers, locker keys, watches, protractors and water bottles. Another top tip is to encourage your child to pack their bag (themselves) every evening from day one, to help avoid breakfast-time panic.


To view the Hull Transition Good Practice Guide, please follow this link:




School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos at Kelvin Hall and setting the appropriate tone. In common with most schools in England, we have a school uniform and rules on appearance that we require all students to follow.

Contact Details

Contact Details


If you have any further questions or concerns about your child's transition at Kelvin Hall School, please  contact the school on 01482 342 229, and we will do our best to advise you.


Kelvin Hall School
Bricknell Avenue
East Yorkshire


Telephone: (01482) 342229

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