Fantastic work Mr Grant
We are very pleased to tell you that you and your Eco-Committee at Kelvin Hall School have been awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag.
We reviewed your application and noted the following:
We like your straightforward approach to appointing the Eco-Committee members.
You assigned a lead eco-committee member from the Student Leadership team and then they solicited for members and formed the team. Your approach running meetings, encouraging students to take minutes demonstrates a proactive, assured and inclusive approach to the programme. It is really good to see!
We also love how active your Eco-Committee was in communicating their Eco-Schools activities school-wide by encouraging the members to communicate through the school website, in school assemblies and through focus groups. You also use your colourful and eye-catching Eco-Board and social to communicate what you are doing. This is strong, informing and involving and shows how valued and embedded the Eco-Schools programme is in your school.
It was really great to read how your Environmental Review provided the basis for the projects that you undertook. It is great to hear that the review has helped identify your strengths and weaknesses and helped you to form your action plan on how to make our school and students more eco friendly/aware. This demonstrates a reflective and considered approach to your Eco-Schools work, and is a great skill that many adults can learn from! You’ve clearly taken great efforts to connect the healthy living, school grounds and biodiversity projects happening across the school and embedding this work into both curriculum and everyday school life in a really impactful way. This is really inspiring and clever.
Your action plan is great! The actions that you planned out were really SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound). This is important as it helps to achieve progress and empower your Eco-Committee. It was also great to see accountability and monitoring and evaluation so clearly marked in your Action Plan and that you identify actions in such detail. Excellent work!
Your curriculum links were really clear and creative. For example you use PSHE lessons to teach about the environment and to deliver vital messages such as the importance of sunlight on our mental health, and by discussing "Blue Monday'' the saddest day of the year. It is great that Health Education is taught for 2 hours per week in years 7 and 8 and that pupils spend 10 week blocks discussing a range of topics including health and wellbeing. In geography lessons students looked at the sustainability of ecosystems by looking at the impact of humans on the natural environment. It is inspiring that students also learn about the impact of use of renewable and non renewable resources and sources of energy. This kind of pedagogical work is inclusive and informative and a wonderful way to introduce and reinforce learning about the importance of learning about and caring for our environment. Well done!
You've clearly worked really well with your internal staff and student body and also engaged with a wide range of different external stakeholders including working with Hull Youth Parliament, Siemens, the Tree Appeal, BeeBombs.com and RHS Schools Gardening. We like how students presented their Environmental Review findings to members of your senior management team who reflected on the plans and helped implement changes.
It is also good practice that the leader of your multi-academy trust also holds regular meetings where pupils are given the opportunity to express their views and findings. These efforts are a great example of the collaborative citizenship approach we will all need to adopt to combat pollution in the environment and help to change the world - your application made us feel really positive for the future!
Your achievements this year have been notable. It's wonderful to see you have planted trees on school grounds and that bee bombs have been spread around.
You have been involved in a wide range of environmental initiatives including using butterfly houses and litter picking at the school and on local beaches. You have planted 200 tree saplings in and around the schools and the community.
You have also planted wildflowers and long grass to encourage more of the insects. It is great to hear that your efforts also bring ‘brightness and a beautiful scene’ to the community. It is great that you aim to promote the growth of wild meadows in the area closest to the school fence so that people can enjoy the view every day!
All these efforts show how embedded environmental concerns and global citizenship are into the culture at your school. Well done!
Finally, congratulations to everyone for the great work you have managed to do. You should all be very proud of your amazing work and the great application you have submitted.
You've more than earned your Green Flag with Merit Award accreditation! Well done everybody!