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Waliyên me

Desteya Rêvebir li gorî daxwazên Rêznameyên Rêvebiriya Dibistanan (Destûra Bingehîn, Îngilîstan) 2012 hatiye avakirin. Di tayînkirin û hilbijartina hemû parêzgaran de xalek bingehîn divê ev be ku saziya rêvebir xwediyê taybetmendiyên ku hewce ne ji bo bi bandor be heye.


Li Dibistana Kelvin Hall, Desteya Rêvebir a me parêzgarên xwedan rêzek jêhatîbûn, zanîn û ezmûnê vedihewîne da ku em bi dibistanê re bi bandor bixebitin da ku bigihîjin armanca xwe ya sereke, ku ew e ku em perwerdehiyek berbiçav ji hemî ciwanên xwe re peyda bikin. Heya nuha, Desteya Rêvebir ji: çar Waliyên Hevbijartî, du Waliyên Dêûbav Hevbijartî, du Qeymeqamên Karmend û Serekê ku wekî parêzgarê karmendê ex-officio kar dike pêk tê.


Desteya Rêvebir a Kelvin Hall li gorî Kodê Rêbazê ya Komeleya Rêvebirên Neteweyî diÅŸopîne, ku ji bo dîtina vê lînkê heye:  Pêşveçûn Kodê Tevgerê ji bo Waliyan 2021-22


Dîrokên Civînên 2021-22

Dîrokên civînên civînên Desteya Rêvebiriya Herêmî ya sala xwendinê ya 2021-22 ev in:

Duşem 11ê Cotmeha 2021

Duşem 5ê Kanûna Pêşîn 2021

Duşem 21ê Adar 2022

Duşem 4 Tîrmeh 2022


Governors Attendance 2023-24


Catherine Badley

Dema kar bi dawî dibe: 28/06/2025
Tayînkirin: Kelvin LGB
Ne berjewendiyên karsaziyê

Min ji Zanîngeha Sheffield bi Masterek di Lêkolînên Dîrokî de mezûn bû û dûv re di sektora mîrasê de kariyera xwe domand, di cûrbecûr rolên lêkolîn û çavdêriyê de ji bo Trust Neteweyî, Huner û Muzexane Wolverhampton û Muzexaneyên Hull xebitîm. Xebata min a li muzexaneyan di wateya herî berfireh de girîngiya perwerdehiya heta-hetayê bandor li min kir.   


Ez ji sala 2012-an vir ve di perwerdehiyê de dixebitim, dema ku ez bûm Rêvebirê Ezmûnan li Koleja Hull. Ez ji sala 2015-an vir ve Arîkarê Ezmûnan li Koleja Wyke me. Wekî beÅŸek ji tîmên Ezmûnan û PiÅŸtgiriya Fêrbûnê, ez jêhatî me ku ez bikaribim di xalek girîng a kariyera wan a akademîk de piÅŸtgirî bidim xwendekarên Wyke, û min têgihîştinek mezin a pirsgirêkan bi dest xist. bi xwendekarên astengdar û zehmetiyên hînbûnê re rû bi rû dimînin.  


Ez li herêmê dijîm û keçek min li dibistana seretayî ya nêzîk heye. Li Kelvin Hall parêzgeh bûna fersendek e ku meriv bi civakê re bibe alîkar da ku ciwan perwerdehiyek bi kalîte bistînin. Ez dixwazim ezmûna perwerdehiya ku min wekî xwendekar, dêûbav û di dema kariyera xwe de bi dest xistiye ji bo berjewendiya xwendekarên Kelvin Hall bikar bînim. Ez berpirsiyariya xwe digirim ku tevkariyek erênî ji saziya rêveberiyê re bi ciddî werbigirim û ji fersendê ku bi Kelvin Hall re bixebitim, ji ber têkiliyên nêzîk ên dibistanê bi Zanîngeha Wyke re kêfxweş im.

Alison Waugh

Role: Acting Vice Chair of Governors
Business Interests: None

I completed my Masters degree in Chemistry in 2006 and completed my PGCE in 2007. I have worked at several schools in the city and am now both a teacher and parent of a year 8 child at Kelvin Hall.

I have a special interest in SEND as my son is a student in the ASC Hub at Kelvin Hall. As a teacher I am passionate about making sure that all students have a good experience at school and achieve their full potential. I am hoping to bring this same passion and experience to my role as a governor to ensure that all students, no matter their need, have the same opportunity to achieve what they need to in order to continue into further education.

Staff Waliyê

Pat Cavanagh

Dema kar bi dawî dibe: 05/02/2022
Tayînkirin: Kelvin LGB
Ne berjewendîyên karsaziyê: Rêvebirê Rêvebir


Harriet Jones

Role: Parent Governor
Business Interests: None

I am a qualified print journalist and have worked on local, regional and national newspapers at home and abroad. The forces changing the newspaper trade prompted me to diversify and I now combine two jobs. I am the communications officer for charity Hull and East Riding (HEY) Smile Foundation, which works to strengthen communities and improve happiness.


I also work for film production company Storyboard Media, in Hull,  and we make everything from corporate films to documentaries. A lot of the work we do at Storyboard focuses on problems faced by children and teenagers, including knife crime, child exploitation and county lines gangs.


I am a mum of three children, two of them are pupils at Kelvin Hall and my youngest child is a pupil at a primary school within the Trust. I am dyslexic and two of my children also have dyslexia, so SEND provision is something I am concerned with. I am also focused on the mental health needs of young people.


I am interested in politics, democracy, equal opportunities and children’s rights. I am here to listen, to offer scrutiny and to be an advocate when needed.


Jonathan Davies

Dema kar bi dawî dibe: 30/11/2024
Tayînkirin: Kelvin LGB
Ne berjewendiyên karsaziyê

Ji hêla pîşeyê ve ez hesabkerek jêhatî me û naha wekî Rêvebirê Aborî li pargîdaniyek çandiniyê dixebitim, ku li ser kariyera xwe ya pîşeyî di sektorên karsaziyê yên cihêreng de wekî çêkirin, qanûn, medya û sektora giştî xebitîme.

Perwerde di jiyana min de ji xwendina A-Asta min, çûyîna Zanîngeha Cardiff-ê ji bo xwendina hesabpirsînê û tewra di kariyera xweya pîşeyî de, ku min 2 salan li wir xwend da ku jêhatîbûna Hesabdarên Destûrdar bidest bixim, di jiyana min de pir girîng lîstiye. Wekî encamek, ez hest dikim ku pir girîng e ku her kes fersendê bigire ku perwerdehiya çêtirîn gengaz bistîne.

Ez hêvî dikim ku coş, azwerî û azweriya min a ji bo perwerdehiyê tê vê wateyê ku her şagirt amûrên ku ew hewce ne têne dayîn da ku potansiyela xwe zêde bikin.

Ailie McNicol

Role: Co-opted Governor
Business Interests: None

I was raised on a Scottish island and as such community is very important to me. Throughout my childhood I had a wonderful education and always hoped to become a teacher myself. In 2012 I gained a place on the Teach First programme as a secondary History teacher here in Hull. I fell in love with the city and worked as a History teacher both here and internationally until summer 2021. I am now working as a learning technologist at the University of Hull but I am keen to remain involved in Secondary education and to play a role within the local community. As a governor I hope to bring my passion and experiences to the role and to ensure all students receive a high quality education. I have a wealth of experience within education and look forward to using these skills to support all members of the Kelvin Hall community.

Kathy Lee

Role: Staff Governor
Business Interests: None

Since completing my degree in English Language and Literature and subsequent PGCE in the year 2000, I have seen many changes in the education system and the challenges we all face every day in the classroom. Having been at Kelvin Hall for over 18 Years, I have also experienced massive changes in the school, from the building itself, the staffing structures and the nature and size of our intake. I believe this historical overview makes me very well-placed to understand the school context, the changing needs of our pupils and the possible ways to address them.  

I have lived in the local area for many years and have two children. My son attends a local primary school, and my daughter is currently in Year 10 at Kelvin Hall. This places me in the position of being able to see the experience of being a student at the school from both sides.

During my time at the school, I have worked with a wide variety of teams and individuals, participating in the School Improvement Group, being a Coach, ITT and NQT mentor. I have also worked closely with the library team and enjoyed liaising with the SEN department to help support those pupils who need it most. What has remained the same throughout  is the school’s ethos of caring for all members of the school community. As we continue to evolve, I wish to help uphold these values to ensure that all staff and pupils feel safe, respected and cared for.

Natalie Morris

Role: Co-opted Governor
Business Interests: None

With over a decade’s experience in education, I am honoured to be a headteacher Endike Academy in addition to being the Vice Chair of another local primary school’s governing body. My experience spans from Early Years through to teaching GCSE English in a local secondary school whilst my passion lies in providing quality education to the young people of Hull. Acknowledging the challenges faced by educational institutions, I recognise the importance of having experienced local governors. I am thrilled to join Kelvin Hall’s governing body to ensure that every child receives the exceptional education that they deserve.

Co-opted Governor

Julie Lynch

Resigned 04/12/23

Appointed by: Kelvin LGB

No business interests​​

Parent Governor

Rae Beet

Resigned 04/12/23

Appointed by: Kelvin LGB

No business interests​​

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