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Paqij bûn

Dibistana Kelvin Hall
Bricknell Avenue
Rojhilata Yorkshire

Telefon: (01482) 342229

Twitter: @kelvinhall_hull

Serokê Dibistanê: Birêz C Leng


Ji bo me agahdar bikin ku zarokê we dê ji dibistanê nemîne, ji kerema xwe telefonî karmendê beşdarbûnê, li ser (01482) 496730 bikin.

Rêberên Sala Pastoral:

  • Sal 7: Xanim D Clay (01482) 496737

  • Sal 8: Miss C Lowthorpe (01482) 496735

  • Sal 9: Miss J Haldenby (01482) 496733

  • Sal 10: Xanim S Sullivan (01482) 496736

  • Sal 11: Xanim T Ford-Bentham (01482) 496734



Ger pirsên we hebin an jî tiştek heye ku hûn dixwazin li ser zarokê xwe an peydakirina SEND li Kelvin Hall nîqaş bikin, ji kerema xwe bi Xanim W Pratt, SENCo, bi jimareya têlefonê ya dibistanê (01482) 342229 re têkilî daynin.

Daxwaza Kopiyên Kaxezê:

Ger pirsên we hebin an jî kopiyek kaxezek ji agahdariya li ser malpera me hewce bike, ji kerema xwe bi me re têkilî daynin an forma li ser vê rûpelê bikar bînin.


To notify us that your child will be absent from school, please call our Attendance line on (01482) 496730.

Pastoral Year Leaders:

  • Year 7: Mrs Loughton 

  • Year 8: Mrs Sullivan 

  • Year 9: Mrs Ford-Bentham 

  • Year 10: Mr Garrod 

  • Year 11: Miss Lowthorpe

Chair of Governors

Ailie McNicol

Tel: 01482 342229



If you have any queries or if there is anything that you would like to discuss regarding your child or SEND provision at Kelvin Hall, please contact Mrs Pratt, SENCo, on the school telephone number (01482) 342229.

Request for Paper Copies:

If you have any queries or require a paper copy of any of the information on our website, please contact us or use the form on this page.

Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust 

Head Office:

Kelvin Hall School,
Bricknell Ave,
HU5 4QH.

Tel: 01482 342229


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