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Kelvin Hall School ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition) Hub Admissions (2024/25)


For the purpose of admissions, the ASC Hub at Kelvin Hall School is a local authority maintained provision. All admissions are handled by the Local Authority after a formal consultation with the Headteacher at Kelvin Hall School.


All places for the ASC Hub are commissioned through the Local Authority. Pupils attending the Hub will have an EHC (Education and Health Care) Plan and therefore will have undergone extensive assessment before entering the school through the Hub. 


If you would like further information or would like to request a place in the ASC Hub at Kelvin Hall School then please contact:


SEND Assessment and Review Team

Brunswick House

Strand Close

Beverley Road



Tel: 01482 616007

Email:  â€‹â€‹


Kelvin Hall School Admissions (2024/25)​

Please see below for the Kelvin Hall School Admissions Policy, which indicates the admissions criteria applied where we are oversubscribed. The Admission Policy for 2024-25 applies from September 2024.


Kelvin Hall Admissions Policy 2024-25

Kelvin Hall Admissions Policy 2025-26

Kelvin Hall Admissions Policy 2026-27



Kelvin Hall school has an agreed admission number of 320 for pupils in Year 7 to 11 in 2024-25. Pupils will not be admitted about the Published Admission Number unless exceptional circumstances apply.





Year 7: 320, Year 8: 342, Year 9: 329, Year 10: 337, Year 11: 300.

Total: 1,628



Year 7: 331, Year 8: 330, Year 9: 335, Year 10: 311, Year 11: 325.

Total: 1,632


Application for a place at a Secondary School

You will have to apply for a secondary school place in your child’s last year of primary school. You must make your application to the Local Authority and not directly to the school, for a child’s transition from Primary School.


Application for Admission to Kelvin Hall School (other years)

If you wish to apply for a place at Kelvin Hall School for a child who is currently in Secondary School education, please contact the Admissions department at Hull City Council. You will be sent a form to complete about your child’s previous education and schools previously attended. This includes details of any additional educational needs (for example statement of SEN), attendance, and behaviour/exclusion issues if relevant. Please return your form to the school for consideration. If we are able to offer a place, the transfer will be processed and your child admitted as soon as possible to ensure continuity of education.


How to appeal against a school placement decision

If we are unable to offer you a place at Kelvin Hall School, you will be sent an appeal form with your allocation letter for you to make a formal appeal. Details of how to appeal will be on your appeal form. Your appeal will be heard within 20 school days of the closing date for appeals by an independent panel arranged locally.


To view the Hull Transition Good Practice Guide, please follow this link:

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